Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mannequin heads and tiny pink perm rods

So today is my first day blogging! Woo-hoo!! I was inspired but my friend Kylee. I was reading her blog that she had wrote about my friend Mal and myself and decided blogging would maybe be something good and fun for me.
So Matt (my boyfriend) and I were eating soup, we are both feeling a little under the weather. Now hes catching up with Teen Mom with me. So glad I don't have these girls problems. Thank the Lord for that one. (Hi Mom if you're reading this)(ALSO HI KYLEELEE I'M BLOGGING!!)
Today at school there are about four girls in my Cosmetology class who are absolutely ridiculous. Today one of the girls was mad at Marcy (my teacher) because the student was absent a lot and so when Marcy was busy and the student called her a fat butt (that's put in my words hers were much harsher). I am just so sick of these four girls. They are so disrespectful. All they do is text all day and talk and then when Marcy is talking they are sleeping. They also skip all the time. Why would you pay to do this?! They are so stupid most days. Also the girl from the beginning of this paragraph drives me up the wall! She stands near me in class and when we are doing work shops we listen to music and she sings ever song!! HONESTLY! I get so mad. I don't care how awesome of a singer you think you are, you are not so great that we want to listen to you for four hours. Lord knows how much more of that I will be able to handle without snapping,
I don't really know what to write today I just feel like making the blog and writing my first post was very productive. I also sort of have a headache. I am packing for the cities and taking Matt's baby sister pictures  tomorrow. More or less it should be a productive day,


1 comment:

  1. HI SHELBY! love the blog :) and stupid girls are...stupid :P love ya1
